French early 20th century gold coral and diamond dress ring. French assay marks. Ring size L. 4.6gms.
Band with evidence of a resize.
Coral medium to dark orangey red colour, in good condition.
Coral untested for natural colour origin.
Diamonds fairly well matched, in good condition.
ITEMS INCORPORATING MATERIALS FROM ENDANGERED AND OTHER PROTECTED SPECIES. Prospective buyers are advised that several countries prohibit altogether the importation of property containing such materials, and that other countries require a permit (e.g., a CITES permit) from the relevant regulatory agencies in the countries of exportation as well as importation. The sale of ivory, tortoiseshell and other materials derived from endangered species is limited by CITES regulations to worked pieces dating prior to 1947, and the export of such pieces outside the EU would require an export licence to be obtained from DEFRA. Accordingly, customers should familiarize themselves with the relevant customs laws and regulations prior to bidding on any item with wildlife material if they intend to import the item. For example, the U.S. generally prohibits the importation of articles containing species that it has designated as endangered or threatened if those articles are less than 100 years old.
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SKU: 343194
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