Antiques in Oxford
Antiques in Oxford has over forty years of experience in the antiques trade and we've been online for six years. We offer a personal service to clients, both those who wish to buy something special and to those who are looking for a Valuation or considering Selling. We can easily visit you in the South East. We have three retail outlets. Our stock is changing all the time. You will find new items of silver and jewellery every month. Do contact us for gift ideas. And don't be afraid to ask us what something of yours is worth. You just never know...

Want to find out what you have?
We can come and visit you
at no cost. Cash available
for antique jewellery, silver,
gold, glass, ceramics
and all sorts of collectables
Thinking about selling some antiques?
Need help buying antiques?
Charles I Queen Anne Georgian William IV Victorian Edwardian George V Arts & Crafts Art Nouveau Art Deco Vintage
contact us
(+44) 01865 455238 (+44) 07786 394242
Business Hours 08.00 to 22.00 Seven days a week. Same day response to e-mails. Antiques in Oxford, Cumnor Hill, Oxford OX2 9HD, UK