An 18th century French three-colour gold box, the oval form with chased decoration of flowers, fruit, a lute, a quiver of arrows and further pastoral scenes with birds to the base and hinged lid, all in oval reserves and within floral and husk motif borders. Various marks including probable maker's mark for Jean-Louis Désir, Paris charge and discharge marks, N year mark (Jurande) for July 1776 to July 1777, and later French eagle guarantee mark struck twice. Length 6.8cm Wiudth 5.1cm Depth 2.4cm Wt 98.1gm
Very good overall condition with the decoration retaining much brightness and colour.
There is a small hole in one of the fruit panels. Further tiny hole through one of the discharge marks on the side and seen from the interior.
Hinged lid in good working order and closes flush and securely.
marks struck on interior lid, base and sides, some partly worn and distorted.
In addition to French marks, also a probable later Dutch tax mark.
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